Tidal 360 Reality Audio

After updating the Sony Headphones app on my phone that is responsible for the bells and whistles of my WH-1000 XM3 headphones, I've noticed a new feature called 360 Reality Audio Setup.

I've decided to check it out and give it a shot.

Hoping to get some sort of mind blowing experience, I did the thing - I took a photo of my ears through the Sony app for some clickfarm to analyze my acoustic capabilities and give me that sweet sweet IN YOUR FACE music experience. I connected whatever the result was to Tidal, signed up for a trial of their HiFi plan (normally $20/month), checked my settings a turned blasted the 360 RA playlist full-volume.

What did I learn? - The 360RA music selection is abysmally small. - Most of the tracks are VERY quiet and despite the noise cancelling capabilities of my headphones, I wasn't able to really enjoy the music. - The quality, while good, did not WOW my face off. There's little to no difference between whatever 360RA really does and a good quality FLAC file.

TL;DR Interesting, but not worth my hard earned $20. I'll stick with Spotify for the time being.